Somos visionarios, foodies, emprendedores, fundraisers y comunicadores.
Nos presentamos todos los días para construir un sistema alimentario más equitativo que una a las personas, impulse carreras y cambie vidas.
Leslie Abbey
Chief Executive Officer(She/Her)Read BioLeslie Abbey
Chief Executive Officer
What is your favorite food memory?
Working with my mom and great aunt to plan and execute the first-ever Thanksgiving my husband and I hosted for both of our families, after we got engaged. I had never pulled off such a big dinner before! And it was so meaningful to have both of our extended families together for the first time.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
It is a privilege to be able to witness our members turn their culinary talent and passion into economic opportunity. Hearing them talk about the lasting impact of their newfound careers — on their own lives, for their families, and within their communities — serves as a tremendous motivation to increase our footprint and bring our programs to more communities.
Who is your inspiration?
My children. Watching them grow and learn, be vulnerable, make mistakes, build confidence, and celebrate success reminds me that life is full of ups and downs, and that the process is as meaningful as the destination!
Carla Licavoli
Chief Operating Officer(She/Her)Read BioCarla Licavoli
Chief Operating Officer
What is your favorite food memory?
Every Christmas Eve we celebrate the Feast of the Seven Fishes and we spend the day making squid ink pasta and preparing the meal. The preparation is more memorable than the actual meal, everyone working on a different dish or helping make the pasta.
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
I’ve learned that work must align with your personal values or else it will always feel like work and not like you are contributing to a greater cause.
Who is your inspiration?
My kids Kincade and Kamden. I want to be a good role model for them.
Kristine Borok
Chief Strategy and Advancement Officer(She/Her)Read BioKristine Borok
Chief Strategy and Advancement Officer
What is your favorite food memory?
My 9th birthday when I requested to have a cooking party and made Chicken Parmesan!
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
Always say thank you and please.
What song best describes you and why?
«You’ve Got a Friend» by Carole King. It’s my wedding song!
Cathy Kim
Chief Programs Officer(She/Her)Read Bio
Leadership Team
Maria Acevedo
Senior Manager of Community Engagement (She/Her)Maria Acevedo
Senior Manager of Community Engagement
What is your favorite food memory?
Traveling to my parents’ hometown in Dominican Republic and cooking “Locrio en lena” outdoors (wood fired mixed rice with any protein) with loved ones while sharing stories.
Who is your inspiration?
Throughout my career I’ve had the opportunity to work with many community-based organizations and residents. To me they are unsung heroes. I’m inspired by their resiliency, resourcefulness, and dedication to their communities especially in the pandemic these past three years.
What's your superpower?
I once did the moonwalk while salsa dancing.
Eleanor Altholz
Institutional Partnerships Coordinator(She/Her)Eleanor Altholz
Institutional Partnerships Coordinator
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
I would rather do the dishes! My roommate in college was a great cook, and I, not knowing how to cook at that time, would thank her for feeding me by washing up after dinner and doing the grocery shopping. I’ve come to enjoy cooking myself since then, but doing the dishes is still my go-to way to show my gratitude toward anyone who is generous with their cooking.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
I worked in restaurants for many years in both the back and front of house and I’ve seen firsthand that building the skillset to work in a professional kitchen or dining room can be incredibly empowering. However, when you’re not well compensated or respected for your work, it can be the opposite. Working at Hot Bread Kitchen fills me with hope that not only can we help women build life-long careers, but that as an organization we can contribute to changing the standards for work in the food industry for the better.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Travel as much of the world as possible!
Kisha Batista
Assistant Culinary Instructor(She/Her)Sophie Brenits
Culinary Fundamentals Program Coordinator(They/Them)Sophie Brenits
Culinary Fundamentals Program Coordinator
What is your favorite food memory?
The first time I held a Passover seder for my friends back in college. Cooking is such an act of love, and it was really special to share such an important holiday with them and bring them into my Judaism.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Being part of a network of people all committed to making the food industry more equitable and accessible. I’m so inspired by all of our program members, and consider myself lucky to support them with a great team.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
I would take my dad on a road trip down south to eat our way through all of the regional barbecue. Growing up, we used to go to all of the BBQ spots near us and rank them by their ribs, sauce, sides, etc. If we had a month, we could hit every state and return to our favorites once or twice, and find time to go to museums and see some live music, too!
Eva Chertow-Spence
Upskilling & Job Quality Program Director(She/Her)Eva Chertow-Spence
Upskilling & Job Quality Program Director
What is your favorite food memory?
Eating shrimp and grits at the Surrey Cafe in New Orleans.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
There is so much I loved about working in the food service industry, but there is still so much in the industry that needs to improve. It’s amazing to have the opportunity to work on something I’m so passionate about.
How do you define success?
To vastly oversimplify, I think success is all about balance.
Sonam Choedon, MSW
Director of Community and Member Engagement(She/Her)Sonam Choedon, MSW
Director of Community and Member Engagement
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is sitting around the kitchen table making momos with my family. The flavors in our Tibetan household have these amazing influences because my mom grew up in Bhutan and dad grew up in Nepal. Making momos was always a time for my family to have bonding time.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
My own immigrant family’s journey to the US and my parents’ drive to seek opportunities for me and my brother motivate me to work at Hot Bread Kitchen. I see that same drive and passion in the women that we serve, and it motivates me even more.
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
A quote from the Dalai Lama that my mother shared with me as a child has always guided me: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.»
Mahdia Chowdhury
Community Engagement Associate(She/Her)Mahdia Chowdhury
Community Engagement Associate
What is your favorite food memory?
It’s always busy the week before Eid, and every day leading up to Eid my mom makes different desserts and snacks. We go to our relatives’ houses and everyone has their own special Eid spread and I love all the yummy food I get to eat the whole day!
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Growing up in East Elmhurst, I saw the obstacles that immigrants and people of color face, and learned how access to economic opportunity can really alleviate so much hardship that people experience on a daily basis. Hot Bread Kitchen does this in a very tangible way and provides that access that many don’t have.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
I would move to a town in a tropical country with lots of nature and experience a slower, local lifestyle, and take my friends with me!
Wai Chu
Senior Director of Culinary Workforce Development Programs(He/Him)Wai Chu
Senior Director of Culinary Workforce Development Programs
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
I’m genuinely inspired by the women we serve. As much as they think we give them through the program, they give us more in return.
How do you define success?
Satisfaction and happiness.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
A good breakfast. It’s my favorite meal of the day.
Fatoumata Conde
Assistant Culinary Instructor(She/Her)Fatoumata Conde
Assistant Culinary Instructor
What is your favorite food memory?
I recently had a reunion with my siblings (2 brothers and 3 sisters) after more than 7 years apart! Now that I live in New York City, we don’t have many chances to gather. The last time I saw them was back home in Africa. It was wonderful for them to come visit me in Brooklyn after all these years. We went to a buffet in my neighborhood and we ate and talked the whole night. I love the shrimp, fried fish, and fried rice at this restaurant, but more importantly, I loved reconnecting with my family.
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
Cook, of course! As a chef, I love to cook. It makes me feel happy and fulfilled to be in the kitchen. I enjoy trying new ingredients and testing new recipes. There is so much room to be creative in the kitchen.
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
I was taught to try and do good in life without expecting anything back in return. When I am in need of help or support, I have faith that some will come and be there for me.
Abby Dennis
First Course Case Manager(She/They)Abby Dennis
First Course Case Manager
What is your favorite food memory?
Picking wild huckleberries in the woods with my dad and making huckleberry-peach pie.
Which food would you cross the desert for?
I would cross the desert for a perfectly ripe heirloom tomato!
How do you define success?
I define success as being proud of the work I do.
Kathleen DiPerna
Director of Strategy(She/Her)Barbara Duarte
Lead Culinary Instructor(She/Her)Barbara Duarte
Lead Culinary Instructor
What is your favorite food memory?
The first time I smelled a truffle I was transported to the back seat of my father’s navy blue, 1980 passat. We were at a gas station, and I, 8or 9 years old, sat, eyes closed, breathing in the smell of gasoline. It was a special experience. Transcendent.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
The chance to facilitate opportunity and change.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Take a slow and deliberate trip across japan.
Julianne Feder
Brand Director(She/her)Julianne Feder
Brand Director
What is your favorite food memory?
Watching my 16 month old daughter devour salmon skin!
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
COOK! I’m a former professional chef, so I live to cook, especially when it’s for loved ones. But I always appreciate someone else cooking and will gladly do dishes.
What's your superpower?
I’m a connector of people.
Jenny Dominguez
Small Business Program Manager(She/Her)Jenny Dominguez
Small Business Program Manager
Which food would you cross the desert for?
Definitely NYC pizza!
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
My dishwasher and I have come to an agreement that I will always cook, and she will always wash the dishes. I love baking and cooking it has always been a creative outlet for me.
Who is your inspiration?
My immigrant parents who came to this country at only 15.
Shantee Grant
Case Manager(She/Her)Shantee Grant
Case Manager
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is as a child being excited when my grandmother would come to the U.S. from Guyana and bring lots of treats such as mithai, fudge, salara, and cassava pone.
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
On the first day of the first class getting my Human Service degree, the professor stated «4 years will pass whether or not you complete this program. It is up to you to decide today where you want to be when that 4 years has passed.»
How do you define success?
I define success as creating a life you want and being genuinely be happy with where you are no matter what you went through to get there.
What's your superpower?
My superpower is making the best out of any situation or circumstance.
Zimmie Greene
First Course Case Manager(She/Her)Zimmie Greene
First Course Case Manager
What is your favorite food memory?
Growing up, everyone in my family would have a dish they had to prepare for thanksgiving. I was always tasks with collard greens, and anytime I make them now as an adult I feel contacted to that memory as a kid.
Who is your inspiration?
My inspiration is my father. He’s such a gentleman, and he makes me want to maneuver through life with that type of gentleness for myself!
What's your superpower?
My ability to connect with and find commonality with just about any person I meet.
Tan Hamilton
Senior Office Manager & Events Coordinator (She/They)Tan Hamilton
Senior Office Manager & Events Coordinator
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
I would rather cook, it is such a joy to see others marvel and enjoy something that you created.
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
Always be true to yourself and never let anyone extinguish your fire.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Cosplay and travel to different Con’s
Showgofa Hamraz
Culinary Fundamentals Program Manager(She/Her)Joel Henriquez
First Course Lead Culinary Instructor(He/Him)Joel Henriquez
First Course Lead Culinary Instructor
Which food would you cross the desert for?
There is literally nothing on this planet that feels more connected to my upbringing than Dominican oregano. It is a variety of a common herb that produces a flavor that is impossible to replicate and authentic to itself. It makes food taste INCREDIBLE. I always keep a stash in my spice rack.
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
I’d rather do both. A good chef ALWAYS cleans as they go!
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
Life is all about balance and moderation; Knowing when to rebalance and when to remain in stasis.
Joe Irving
First Course Kitchen Assistant(He/Him)Joe Irving
First Course Kitchen Assistant
What is your favorite food memory?
Watching cooking shows on PBS with my mother and grandmother. Martin Yan can cook!
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Seeing people have the opportunity to pursue their passion with pure joy and excitement.
What's your superpower?
I’m adaptable and sociable. I have the ability to make put a smile on peoples faces and bring joy everywhere I go.
Yvette Ho
Director of People & Operations(She/Her)Yvette Ho
Director of People & Operations
Which food would you cross the desert for?
Most creamy pastries and desserts. I could never be vegan for this reason alone.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
The culture and mission of bringing people together around food.
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
«People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.» – Maya Angelou
Rosie Jacobson
Culinary Fundamentals Case Manager(She/They)Charlene Johnson
Culinary Instructor - Outposts(She/Her)Charlene Johnson
Culinary Instructor - Outposts
Which food would you cross the desert for?
Top tier pastries.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
What motivates me to work at Hot Bread Kitchen is the opportunity to train people to work in the industry that I love and possibly change to the trajectory of their lives with a very important skill set.
How do you define success?
I define success as the ability to make decisions not based on a need.
Julia Liburdi
Employer Partnerships Manager(She/Her)Julia Liburdi
Employer Partnerships Manager
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is making homemade sausage, pasta, and sauce in my Nonna’s kitchen while my Nonno poured us his homemade wine. Having the whole family gathered around food made with so much love and wisdom was so special.
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
While I’m definitely a team player with chores, I would absolutely rather cook! I love being creative and collaborating in the kitchen and serving delicious food, whether it’s casual and simple or over-the-top elaborate.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Embark on a food tour roadtrip around the US and Mexico!
Kevin Mancia
Member Engagement Associate(He/Him)Kevin Mancia
Member Engagement Associate
What is your favorite food memory?
Growing up in the USA after leaving El Salvador, on Sundays, my parents would prepare a huge family-style Salvadoran breakfast. I have 3 siblings, so we always had a lot of food and often had seconds. One time I also got in a small argument with my older brother because he had taken my half of my avocado! Thankfully we had enough for everyone that day. While we are all grown up now, my sister and I sometimes reminisce on our younger days and how we came together as a family.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Food and cooking has always been a huge part of my life. My family back in El Salvador sells food and my mom worked in a food truck when she arrived to the USA. I have so much respect for people in the food and beverage industry, and knowing the impact that Hot Bread Kitchen has on the lives of our members motivates me to provide them the best possible experience in our programs.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Southeast Asia hands down has the best cuisine in my opinion. I would LOVE to travel and go on a food tour around Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Thailand. I would take a journal with me to write down recipes and bring them back home.
Ally Miller
Senior Director of Institutional Giving & Development Operations(She/Her)Ally Miller
Senior Director of Institutional Giving & Development Operations
What is your favorite food memory?
Picking (and eating!) strawberries, corn, green beans, and tomatoes from my family garden growing up.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
That I get to be a piece of a huge community working to make NYC a more equitable place.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Eat at every NYC restaurant I have ever dreamed of and invite everyone I know.
Roberto Ponce
Community Engagement Associate(He/Him)Roberto Ponce
Community Engagement Associate
What is your favorite food memory?
On my birthday, my best friend Can surprised me with one of my favorite foods; Alinazik Kebab, a Southeastern Turkish kebab made from smoked, grilled and pureed eggplant, topped with cubes of spiced lamb. We drank Turkish rakı, laughed about the past, and hoped for the future!
What's something you've learned that's always stayed with you?
Pay attention to your food and who’s making it!
Who is your inspiration?
Fellow Mexican and Latino immigrants in the United States.
Val Odreman
Development Operations Associate(She/Her)Val Odreman
Development Operations Associate
What is your favorite food memory?
Sitting on the kitchen counter for hours after school, debriefing the day with my mom while she made carne mechada, mashed potatos, and plantains for dinner.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Growing up in a multigenerational immigrant family, I have witnessed the power of communal support. Regardless of language and cultural barriers, my mom was constantly seeking new opportunities for me. I see this same drive within the members we serve, and it excites me to be part of a community that is passionately committed to making NYC a more equitable place.
Who is your inspiration?
My mom is my inspiration. I’ve witnessed her resiliency, dedication, and compassionate approach to life. Through numerous moves, career shifts, and life altering events, my mom has always navigated life so joyfully!
Melissa Preddie
Director of Finance(She/Her)Melissa Preddie
Director of Finance
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is when dad taught me how to make puff pastry and my batch rose was twice as big as his! That joy inspired me to go into baking. I have been sharing that joy ever since.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
The company’s mission of empowering women through food is what brought me to Hot Bread Kitchen.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
I would sail around the Mediterranean on a yacht with my husband and close friends, stopping to enjoy amazing food from the different cultures we visited.
Lilian Sanchez
Member Engagement Manager(She/Her)Lilian Sanchez
Member Engagement Manager
Which food would you cross the desert for?
Dry pot with extra five-spiced tofu, lotus root, and sweet potato. It is my to-die-for dish.
How do you define success?
Being proud of your goals and achievements no matter how big or small as long as they’re aligned with your principles.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Visit as many farms as possible and probably have a spa day every day!
Soledad Sloan
Job Placement Coordinator(They/Them)Soledad Sloan
Job Placement Coordinator
What is your favorite food memory?
Learning how to smash and fry tostones from my mom!
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
I am motivated by the dedicated, creative, and compassionate Hot Bread Kitchen staff and community members.
Who is your inspiration?
My family is my inspiration. Their ability to connect with people and build community inspires me to be a more open and authentic person.
Erin Son
Individual Giving Coordinator(She/Her)Erin Son
Individual Giving Coordinator
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is being home for my birthday every year. My mother makes me miyeokguk (seaweed soup) to celebrate birth. It’s so comforting to eat!
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
I would rather cook, I have to make sure there’s 10x garlic in each dish I make.
What's your superpower?
Incorrectly singing songs with confidence
Taylor Stevens
Director of Culinary Training(She/Her)Taylor Stevens
Director of Culinary Training
What is your favorite food memory?
Eating my grandmother’s keshkeg (a wheat porridge) that she would make for me every time she visited. It showed me how love can be translated through food.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Having the opportunity to support and champion women who are entering the food industry is so inspiring and exciting to me.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Rent a villa in Italy for my friends and family and visit a local market daily to cook elaborate meals for everyone.
Zaynab Sulaiman
First Course Program Coordinator(She/Her)Zaynab Sulaiman
First Course Program Coordinator
What is your favorite food memory?
Most of my favorite food memories are tied to observing and celebrating Ramadan with my family. One of my favorite childhood memories is my mom teaching me how to fold samboosas for iftar!
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
I am motivated by our dedicated staff and community members! I love being part of a team committed to creating an equitable and empowering space in the food industry.
What would you do for a month if money was no object?
Travel!! I would love to see as much of the world as possible with my family and friends.
Denia Tavarez
Senior Manager of Culinary Talent(She/Her)Adriana Teitelbaum
Brand Marketing Associate(She/Her)Adriana Teitelbaum
Brand Marketing Associate
What is your favorite food memory?
Sitting in the kitchen with my mom as a kid and learning how to make classic Puerto Rican dishes.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
The passion and positive energy that the team and program members bring everyday.
Who is your inspiration?
Sylvia Rivera.
Eftihia Thomopoulos
Senior Manager of Strategic Initiatives(She/Her)Eftihia Thomopoulos
Senior Manager of Strategic Initiatives
Which food would you cross the desert for?
My mom’s homemade spinach pie.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
My equal passions for economic development policy and all things food.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
My homemade cold brew with oat milk
Malcolm Tolliver
First Course Assistant Culinary Instructor(He/Him)Malcolm Tolliver
First Course Assistant Culinary Instructor
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is trying jerk chicken in Jamaica for the first time.
Which food would you cross the desert for?
I would cross the desert for my wife’s lamb chops.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
Knowing that I’m helping people get their foot in the door in the culinary world is what motivates me.
Karen Toledo
Executive Assistant to CEO (she/her)Karen Toledo
Executive Assistant to CEO
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite food memory is of my grandmothers baking cakes and making buñuelos when I was a child in Cuba. Our entire family would gather in the kitchen, and we would help them cook and tell stories.
Which food would you cross the desert for?
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
I’m motivated to work at Hot Bread Kitchen because, as an immigrant, I deeply understand the vital role a support system plays in helping newcomers find stable employment. I’m proud to work at an organization that creates economic opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds.
Atibia Williams
First Course Program Manager(He/Him)Atibia Williams
First Course Program Manager
What is your favorite food memory?
My favorite memories are of Sunday dinners that my mom prepared for our family; you could see that she took pleasure in the fact that we enjoyed her cooking.
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
What drives me is the chance to make a positive impact on individuals and support them in their journey towards transforming their lives.
What song best describes you and why?
So Ambitious by Jay Z. Why? Because of the hook sung by Pharrell that says, «The motivation is them telling me what I could not be, oh well.”
Kandy Williams
Culinary Instructor(She/Her)Laura Zapata
Director of Individual Giving(She/Her)Laura Zapata
Director of Individual Giving
What is your favorite food memory?
My grandmother was born in Cuba to Spanish parents, and raised her children in Mexico so she always made a mix of all these dishes. The smell of her tortilla de papa, black beans and chilaquiles always brings me back to eating these foods as a kid after school while doing my homework.
Which food would you cross the desert for?
Guava and cheese pastelitos!
What motivates you about working at Hot Bread Kitchen?
As the daughter and granddaughter of Cuban refugees, I understand the importance and power of education, relationships and community. Nothing happens in silos, and I’m so proud to be part of a collaborative team that is working to make NYC more equitable for generations of families.
Angela Tan
Salesforce Administrator(She/They)Angela Tan
Salesforce Administrator
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
Cook! I don’t mind doing the dishes but I prefer making things (especially things I can eat) to cleaning up.
Who is your inspiration?
People being their authentic selves, even if it’s a bit silly or weird or rough around the edges.
What's your superpower?
Fridge Tetris, AKA the ability to rearrange and shove things into a refrigerator with limited space.
Sumaia Akhand
First Course Program Coordinator(She/Her)Sumaia Akhand
First Course Program Coordinator
What is your favorite food memory?
My brother and I sitting in my grandmother’s kitchen learning to prepare classic Bengali dishes is a cherished memory!
Would you rather cook or do the dishes? Why?
I would rather cook! I love experimenting with new recipes and ingredients, and cooking allows me to be creative and make something delicious.
Who is your inspiration?
My MOM! Her strength and kindness inspire me every day to be a better person.
Mesa de oradores de Hot Bread Kitchen
Nuestro equipo está bien versado y preparado para hablar sobre una variedad de temas, que incluyen empresas sociales, pequeñas empresas, desarrollo de la fuerza laboral, DEIA (diversidad, equidad, inclusión, alianza), calidad del trabajo, mujeres y familias, y más. Comuníquese con Margo en para analizar oportunidades para eventos, prensa y más.
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