Hot Bread Kitchen members come from over 60 countries around the world and every corner of New York City with a shared goal: to pursue opportunity for themselves and their families. Whether you’re joining Hot Bread Kitchen for professional culinary skills or support for your businesses, Breadwinners all share the desire to grow, succeed, and pay it forward. Learn more about what our Breadwinners have gained from Hot Bread Kitchen and become a part of our community today.

Shelly: Community and Resources for her Business
“Hot Bread Kitchen has given me such a community of women. They are a resource beyond resource, connected [me] with financial planning, mentorship, photography support… The entire team, this entire experience, has taught me how to dream. That’s huge.”

Isabel: Learning English and Gaining Confidence
“Hot Bread Kitchen is an opportunity to learn and do something good. It helps us grow not only personally but professionally. The staff is amazing, all the time. They treat you like you are part of the family.”

Carolina: Confidence and Support Leading to Financial Stability
“When you are feeling like you don’t know what to do, Hot Bread Kitchen gives you the opportunity to find something for you, to find jobs and to get the skills to get those jobs… But most importantly, Hot Bread Kitchen is for everyone to get a good life.”

Nafissatou: Finding Flexibility and Freedom at Work
“Sometimes because I work long shifts, but it gives me more time to take care of what I need to do in the rest of my life on other days. I enjoy the freedom. They’re giving me shifts that help me go to school and work at the same time.”
Featured Breadwinners

“When I started doing this and they told me that it’s a male-dominated field where they don’t want to let females in, I wanted to make it my business to get in there. I’m really good at bread. I take pride in that. I want to learn, I want to grow, I want to be challenged, I want to invent and make recipes.”
Culinary Training Alum, 2018

“The culinary training program really changed my life. It was the most exciting five weeks I’ve had in years. I was always hopeful, but now I’m even more hopeful.”
Culinary Training Alum, 2022

“I want to let other women to know that it’s a real game changer. Hot Bread Kitchen showed me career opportunities that I didn’t think I was able to do by myself. You can really change your life.”
Culinary Training Alum, 2012

“I’ve gotten so much help with everything at Hot Bread Kitchen. Before, I felt more nervous to speak in English at work. I am much more comfortable now, even when I make mistakes.”
Culinary Training Program and ESOL Alum, 2022

“Hot Bread Kitchen allowed me to get ahead as a woman. Like most of the people who immigrate to this country, I wanted more opportunities for my family. I believe Hot Bread Kitchen is my family in this country.”
Culinary Training Program Alum, 2018

Lena, BiBi Bakery
“I want to challenge single story narratives about Iran and the Middle East through my business. Having access to business and financial mentorship through Hot Bread Kitchen has already proved beneficial to my businesses growth.“
PROOF Program Finalist 2022

“SEED showed me what I wanted to do with my company versus what I thought I wanted to do. Since everything was taught in different sections, it was easy to focus on specific areas [of running a business] at a time without feeling overwhelmed.”
HBKi: SEED Member, 2023

“The independence I have now feels so great. When school started I was able to get my son his new school clothes. I felt so good about it.”
Culinary Training Program Alum and HBKi: SEED Member, 2023

“What I enjoyed about the program was how supportive everyone was. I learned so many things, but one of the most important things we learned at Hot Bread Kitchen is how to support each other and help each other in the kitchen when we’re working with all different kinds of people. We have to respect and uplift each other.”
Culinary Training Program Alum, 2023