At Hot Bread Kitchen, we know that being set up for success at work goes beyond job training. Feeling secure in your life outside of work is critical to making sure you can be your best self. That’s why in addition to our career programs, Hot Bread Kitchen provides members services that support their needs outside the workplace. Our Member Engagement Team works with a vast network of human services partners to connect our members with social supports that address basic needs and facilitate a stable work life—both during and after their time at Hot Bread Kitchen.
When someone first joins our career programs* a member of our staff sits down with each individual to identify how they can best thrive during and after the program. Each member goes through a Strengths & Needs assessment, a standard practice that comes from our social work informed methodology. Together, they identify the members existing support systems and areas in their life where they may need extra assistance. Each member is unique. At Hot Bread Kitchen we know how important it is to find the best ways to support them as an individual outside of the culinary training curriculum.
*Hot Bread Kitchen’s career programs include: Culinary Fundamentals, Culinary Career Pathways for New New Yorkers, First Course NYC, and Front of House Training.
Our Wraparound Services
Housing Support
A stable housing situation can create a ripple effect of stability throughout someone’s life. Waking up everyday knowing that you have a safe, secure place to come back to allows you to focus on your work and passions without the distraction of housing insecurity. We know from our members that a comfortable and stable home can make a difference in their success in our programs, and we want to support them in accessing that stability. For First Course participant Carnell, Hot Bread Kitchen was able to help him pay back three months of rent, which allowed him to focus on his training rather than worry about his living situation. Our team is also available to help members apply for housing vouchers, apply to other NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) programs, or connect them to any legal support they may need.

“The resources and the help Hot Bread Kitchen gave me made such a difference. When I first started the program I was three months behind on rent, and they helped me pay that back so that I could really focus on the program and not have to worry.”
Carnell (He/Him), First Course Graduate
Public Benefits
In New York City there are a number of government programs that provide services that help people with low or no income access necessities like food, housing, medical care, and more. While these programs are out there, understanding what they offer and how to apply to them can be overwhelming. That’s where the Member Engagement Team comes in to support them. For Culinary Fundamentals participant Cam, having a Hot Bread Kitchen staff member guide them through the process of applying to SNAP (Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program) opened the door to a critical public program that had otherwise felt unreachable.

“I remember applying for SNAP and I was having trouble understanding exactly what it was and what I was supposed to be doing. Being able to sit down with someone and have them walk me through the process and the paperwork was so helpful.”
Cam (They/Them), Culinary Fundamentals Graduate
Our Member Engagement Team can also help members determine if a public benefits program is the right for them or if an alternative solution would be preferable. In cases when those benefit programs can’t meet the needs of a member, our team can deploy our Emergency Funds. Whether it is running to the grocery store to make sure members have food that day or buying a member work shoes for their new job, our Member Engagement Team ensures members are supported. In 2023, Hot Bread Kitchen disbursed over $32,000.
Financial Coaching
During our Culinary Fundamentals program, our friends at Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners visit the cohort on site to provide optional 1:1 sessions from a financial counselor. In these sessions, our members have the opportunity to learn about the benefits of saving and budgeting, managing credits and paying off debt, and taxes. In addition to this designated time at Chelsea Market, some members may choose to seek additional support for managing their finances and can be supported by a member of our team or connected to Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners or another one of our community partners. Members from all our career programs including Culinary Fundamentals also have access to these additional financial counseling services.
Five years after graduating from our program, Hannah still beams, “Sonam [Hot Bread Kitchen staff member] is a rockstar! She came with me to TD Bank and talked to my accountant for me. She did that for everyone in my class, patiently went through everyone’s situation to figure out what was going on. A lot of us turn up at the program because we want to learn how to pay our bills and not live check to check and have money. They would drill us, ‘what is the first thing you do when you get a paycheck?’ We’d say, ‘Pay our bills,” and they said, “No! You decide how much you’re putting in your savings account and then pay your bills!”
No matter what support you need, our dedicated team will help you find the best path towards your success. Our 1:1 coaching sessions offer guidance and referrals to our vast network of community partners, offering support in areas including:
- Childcare Support
- Transportation Assistance
- Food Access
- Mental Health Support
- Legal Services

“Hot Bread Kitchen offered me a lot of support. If I ever had a financial issue or family needs – they offered me a sitter, a stipend, and metro cards, English classes, and SNAP – which were all really helpful. They offered interview practice and they helped us find a job.”
Ofelia (She/Her), Culinary Fundamentals Graduate